Are There Any Special Considerations for Prostate Cancer in Men with a Family History of Prostate Cancer?

For men with a family history of prostate cancer, there are important considerations to bear in mind. Men who have a father or brother diagnosed with prostate cancer face twice the risk of developing the disease compared to those without such a family history. The risk further increases with the number of relatives diagnosed and is higher for closer relatives.

Given this increased risk, it is crucial for men with a family history of prostate cancer to begin screening at an earlier age and more regularly. While the general recommendation for prostate cancer screening starts at age 50, men with a family history may need to start as early as 40 or 45. Screening typically includes a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and possibly a digital rectal examination (DRE). Although PSA tests are not without limitations and their use in screening has been debated due to potential overdiagnosis, they can be especially valuable for early detection in high-risk groups.

Men with a family history of prostate cancer should also consider genetic counseling. Inherited mutations, such as those in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which are more commonly associated with breast and ovarian cancer, can also elevate the risk of prostate cancer. A genetic counselor can assess the likelihood of carrying such mutations and discuss the pros and cons of genetic testing.

Understanding the increased risk can understandably lead to anxiety or stress. Managing these emotions is important, and seeking professional help if necessary is advisable. Support groups, whether in person or online, can offer both emotional comfort and practical advice. It is important to remember that a family history of prostate cancer does not guarantee the development of the disease; it merely indicates an increased risk.


  1. Bratt O, Drevin L, Akre O, Garmo H, Stattin P. Family History and Probability of Prostate Cancer, Differentiated by Risk Category: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2016. PMID: 27400876.
  2. Hyatt C, McDougall C, Miller-Samuel S, Russo J. Genetic Counseling for Men with Prostate Cancer. Urol Clin North Am. 2021 Aug. PMID: 34210488.

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended solely for informational purposes. It is not meant to serve as medical advice. For professional medical guidance, please consult your doctor.


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